Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Villain Review

To begin... The intro was like Ice Cubes on 'Raw Footage' with 'What is Pyroclastic Flow (Intro)'... Good beats but some of the tracks weren't good with his voice and I think he should know that.. He had some good tracks (Trick Trick, Follow Me, Crazy, 2Getha 4 Eva!!!). Best part was Big Proofs (R.I.P.) last verse was on 2Getha 4 Eva!!! and it Rocked with Kid Rock Esham Big Proof and Trick Trick!! I give it 5.5/10

And in his song Trick Trick he says bloggers that blog bad about him are too scared to say it to his face... Im not I live Orlando, Florida Ameer Khalil Come get me if your tough...